Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Formatting Nullable DateTime to short date.

When it was a datetime variable, which needs formatting to a short date string, it was simple. But recently I had to face a situation where I need to deal with nullable datetime and format it to short date string. Though it was simple, but not as straightforward as it is for a regular datetime variable.

  Lets see some examples on both to diagnose the approach to return values in short date string format.

When we try to format a date time variable to short date string, it looks like

DateTime newDate = DateTime.Now;

To set it to have a display format, then you could write it as,


But if we try to do the same with DateTime?, it will throw an exception. To avoid this, we need to read the Value from DateTime? and convert that to a short date string format.

Here is an example below:

 DateTime? newDate = null;
string finalDate = string.Empty;
finalDate = newDate.HasValue ? newDate.Value.ToShortDateString() :                      DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

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